Hey digital nomads, it’s time to talk about climate change, the elephant in the room

Why am I talking about climate change on a digital nomad blog? Because nobody else is and we can’t avoid it any longer. And because I believe digital nomads are in a unique and privileged situation to take action. So to start the conversation, I will share my own climate story with you here today […]
I’m sick and tired of men’s egos ruining our world. And it always being our fault.

I’m so angry right now. And I’m trying to filter it but I am sick and tired of trying to filter everything, to edit and format so the algorithms love it and Google approves of its “readability” and to make sure I don’t accidentally say anything that could offend anyone. Don’t get me wrong, I do not […]
Yes, a digital nomad can be a climate activist

This post is a follow up to the post I shared a few months ago about some of the changes I’ve been making in order to cut my carbon footprint, you can read it here. I want to show that, yes, a digital nomad can be a climate activist, an no, we’re not all hypocrites. […]
Digital Nomading and the Environment: Why I’ve decided to make some changes

Today I’m writing about my personal experience and some tough decisions I’ve made over the past few months. These are my personal opinions but I want to share them because they were shaped by my amazing nomad friends and I think they might help you make some decisions in the future, too. I’ve been […]